Şopteşte-i ceva lui Žižek, transpiră lângă Žižek

Creative Time a deschis o licitaţie de idei pentru summitul lor din 12-13 octombrie, Confronting Inequity, la care va participa şi filosoful Slavoj Žižek. Creative Time nu este în căutarea celor cu CV-uri şi reuşite profesionale întinse pe-o rolă de fax, ci a unor conferenţiari capabili să formuleze un discurs de 8 minute, pe baza unui proiect convingător despre inegalitatea socială. Alături de Žižek, puteţi sta la aceeaşi masă de discuţii cu Suzanne Lacy, Laura Poitras, Pablo Helguera, Invisible Borders, Malkia Cyril, precum şi alături de o serie de artişti, curatori şi gânditori care au contribuit la modelarea discursului public şi a dezbaterii politice legate de inechitatea globală financiară. Pentru potenţialii doritori, anunţul şi regulamentul de participare la summitul Confronting Inequity sună astfel:

For the 2012 Creative Time Summit, we are seeking a cultural producer from our dynamic global audience who is tackling issues of inequity and using creative strategies to mobilize social change. We seek an inspirational 8-minute talk about a single project that speaks to the issue of wealth inequity, highlights the political implications of your practice, and showcases what your work has done to discuss, expose, or challenge a specific issue. If selected to present at the conference, Creative Time will fly you to New York City and cover all accommodations from October 11th–14th.


– A short (500 word max.) description of what you would present during your allotted 8 minutes at the Summit. Remember, this presentation should focus on a single project.
– Up to 5 images or 5 minutes of video. Please do not send anything that cannot be opened via email. If we would like larger files, we will request them from you!
– All materials to: global@creativetime.org by: AUGUST 29th, 2012.

If you are selected, we will notify you by: Friday, September 14, 2012.

The Summit will be held on October 12th and 13th, 2012 at New York University’s Skirball Center.

sursă foto: International Journal of Žižek Studies



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