Posts Tagged 'mystery'

Ann Cleeves: “For me, hell is a crowded shopping centre just before Christmas.”

Photo © Micha Theiner The Chronicle: — Are you happy? My husband died just before Christmas, so there’s an underlying sense of loss, but generally I’m very content. — Tell me something about the place you were born. I was

Ann Cleeves: “For me, hell is a crowded shopping centre just before Christmas.”

Photo © Micha Theiner The Chronicle: — Are you happy? My husband died just before Christmas, so there’s an underlying sense of loss, but generally I’m very content. — Tell me something about the place you were born. I was

We Live Inside A Dream

With Twin Peaks it seems everything—every line, every action—has at least two different, often contradictory, interpretations. It’s this quality of bothness that novelist David Foster Wallace writes about in his essay on David Lynch, citing this steadfast refusal of Lynch’s

We Live Inside A Dream

With Twin Peaks it seems everything—every line, every action—has at least two different, often contradictory, interpretations. It’s this quality of bothness that novelist David Foster Wallace writes about in his essay on David Lynch, citing this steadfast refusal of Lynch’s

Masterclass David Lynch la Festival du film policier de Beaune 2013

La începutul lunii aprilie David Lynch a susţinut un masterclass la Festival du film policier din Beune. Ce părere are David Lynch despre Hollywood? De ce nu a mai regizat nici un film în ultimii 7 ani? În ce circumstanţe

Masterclass David Lynch la Festival du film policier de Beaune 2013

La începutul lunii aprilie David Lynch a susţinut un masterclass la Festival du film policier din Beune. Ce părere are David Lynch despre Hollywood? De ce nu a mai regizat nici un film în ultimii 7 ani? În ce circumstanţe