Sharon Van Etten: „Why love?”

Aflată chiar în drum spre Washington, DC, minunata Sharon Van Etten a răspuns întrebărilor fundamentale ale vieţii.

Chestionarul The Chronicle vs. Sharon Van Etten

George Şerban: What book(s) are you reading now ?
Sharon Van Etten: Up and Down With The Rolling Stones, The Inside Story.

G.Ş.: What do you fear most ?
Sharon Van Etten: Dying Alone.

G.Ş.: Electric or acoustic ?
Sharon Van Etten: Electric.

G.Ş.: What is truth ?
Sharon Van Etten: Beauty.

G.Ş.: Where are you now ?
Sharon Van Etten: In a van en route to Washington, DC.

G.Ş.: Do you believe in life after death ?
Sharon Van Etten: In energy.

G.Ş.: What is the strangest thing that ever happened to you ?
Sharon Van Etten: My life.

G.Ş.: The most sentimental song you've listened to ?
Sharon Van Etten: I found a reason by Velvet Underground.

G.Ş.: Do you like sushi ?
Sharon Van Etten: Yes.

G.Ş.: What's to be done if the end of the world won’t come this year either ?
Sharon Van Etten: Life goes on.

G.Ş.: With what impressions you would leave the Earth today?
Sharon Van Etten: Love.

G.Ş.: What are you thinking when you hear about “human rights” ?
Sharon Van Etten: Equality.

G.Ş.: The thing you’re looking for but still haven't found it ?
Sharon Van Etten: Finding a balance.

G.Ş.: What is a poem ?
Sharon Van Etten: A moment.

G.Ş.: Everything is relative ?
Sharon Van Etten: Yes.

G.Ş.: What is rationality’s purpose?
Sharon Van Etten: Reason.

G.Ş.: Are you happy ?
Sharon Van Etten: Yes.

G.Ş.: To what extent Kafka would have had problems with the law ?
Sharon Van Etten: He would escape them.

G.Ş.: An artist you recommend and a reason to why we should pay him/her attention ?

Sharon Van Etten: She Keeps Bees. She has soul and heart and passion.

G.Ş.: Is life enough ?
Sharon Van Etten: Life and Love.

G.Ş.: What can you tell us about Paris ?
Sharon Van Etten: Romantic.

G.Ş.: Who killed Kennedy, after all ?
Sharon Van Etten: We did.

G.Ş.: What significant progress you notice from cave life to the present ?
Sharon Van Etten: Posture.

G.Ş.: The illusion you refuse to confront with the concrete reality ?
Sharon Van Etten: Death.

G.Ş.: A question for posterity ?
Sharon Van Etten: Why love?


Sharon Van Etten este o speranţă a muzicii.

foto © Dusdin Condren




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