SALEM: „United States of America Killed Kennedy.”

Un (extrem de rar) interviu a cărui valoare poate nu va fi sesizată acum.

Chestionarul The Chronicle vs. SALEM

The Chronicle: What book(s) are you reading now ?

John Holland: Books about the Apocalypse in and out of the Bible.
Heather Marlatt: Confessions of an Igloo Dweller.

The Chronicle: What do you fear most ?

John Holland: I try not to think about it.
Heather Marlatt: Sharks.
Jack Donoghue: Sharks or whatever could be under me when I go deep in dark water.

The Chronicle: Electric or acoustic ?

John Holland: Both, but not always at the same time.
Heather Marlatt: Both.
Jack Donoghue: Both, but I [like] electronic drums alot… I also like African drums alot.

The Chronicle: What is truth ?

John Holland: When something is real enough to be the fake.
Heather Marlatt: Something rare.
Jack Donoghue: When anyone who sees it can see part of themselves.

The Chronicle: Where are you now ?

John Holland: In Michigan.
Heather Marlatt: Michi.
Jack Donoghue: Texas.

The Chronicle: Do you believe in life after death ?

John Holland: I believe in its possibility.
Heather Marlatt: I believe something happens after you die, probably not life though.
Jack Donoghue: I think its hard to die because you have to let go of everything you ever knew, but once you do you are free.

The Chronicle: What is the strangest thing that ever happened to you ?

John Holland: Following a cult through a river and into a tunnel.
Heather Marlatt: Having my son.
Jack Donoghue: Looking for my dad in a swimming pool.

The Chronicle: The most sentimental song you’ve listened to ?

John Holland: „We belong together” by Rickie Lee Jones.
Heather Marlatt: „I can’t live” by Mariah Carey.
Jack Donoghue: „Who knows where the time goes”, [by] Nina Simone.

The Chronicle: Do you like sushi ?

John Holland: Yes, but only the vegetable kind.
Heather Marlatt: Yes.
Jack Donoghue: Mhmm… I don’t eat meat…, but I <3 raw Tuna.

The Chronicle: What’s to be done if the end of the world won’t come this year either ?

John Holland: Ignore it until it does – things that haven’t happened aren’t worth worrying about.
Heather Marlatt: Keep living.
Jack Donoghue: Love.

The Chronicle: With what impressions you would leave the Earth today?

Heather Marlatt: I prefer animals to people.
Jack Donoghue: >< (((-{*_*}-.

The Chronicle: What are you thinking when you hear about “human rights” ?

John Holland: The fight for freedom in it’s most basic form.
Heather Marlatt: People taking things for granted.
Jack Donoghue: Same as John.

The Chronicle: The thing you’re looking for but still haven’t found it ?

John Holland: To go with the flow.
Heather Marlatt: Pacifism.
Jack Donoghue: Quiet.

The Chronicle: What is a poem ?

John Holland: A collection of words that when combined express something bigger than what is seemingly written.
Jack Donoghue: w/e.

The Chronicle: Everything is relative ?

John Holland: Yes, I believe this.
Heather Marlatt: Yep.
Jack Donoghue: Duh… I think.

The Chronicle: What is rationality’s purpose?

John Holland: To logically understand.
Heather Marlatt: To stave off hysteria.

The Chronicle: Are you happy ?

John Holland: I am trying to be. Almost everything and everyone in the world boils down to being happy or unhappy.
Heather Marlatt: Yes, and I wish everyone was.
Jack Donoghue: Some days… Highs and Lows.

The Chronicle: To what extent Kafka would have had problems with the law ?

John Holland: The law would be irrelevant.

The Chronicle: An artist you recommend and a reason to why we should pay him/her attention ?

John Holland: Frida Kahlo – she deals with self portraiture in a beneficial and productive way. She was self taught and therefor paints with more freedom.
Heather Marlatt: Us.

The Chronicle: Is life enough ?

John Holland: What else is there?
Jack Donoghue: Life feels so short / so long … It’s hard how much it even is.

The Chronicle: What can you tell us about Paris ?

John Holland: We’ve been there before and I want to go back.
Heather Marlatt: It’s huge.
Jack Donoghue: She is the modern day Salome.

The Chronicle: Who killed Kennedy, after all ?

John Holland: I’m not sure.
Heather Marlatt: The United States of America.
Jack Donoghue: Strong people being assassinated is very sad.

The Chronicle: What significant progress you notice from cave life to the present ?

John Holland: With progression there is fault.
Heather Marlatt: I think we have regressed since then. People should respect nature more.
Jack Donoghue: It’s complicated.

The Chronicle: The illusion you refuse to confront with the concrete reality ?

John Holland: That concrete reality is relative and is an illusion.
Heather Marlatt: That we are free.

The Chronicle: A question for posterity ?

John Holland: What will be done when prescription medicated feelings override natural emotion ?


SALEM: John Holland, Heather Marlatt şi Jack Donoghue. „Yes I Smoke Crack” avertiza asupra unui distrugător album de debut – „King Night” – care a spulberat, în linie dreaptă, minţi, speranţe şi realităţi. SALEM a pătruns în locuri în care experienţa umană nu era menită să ajungă. Prin SALEM, simţi o durere morală care, de la Schubert încoace, nu a mai fost dat să existe.

„Im Still in the Night” este cel mai recent material discografic.

foto: © SALEM



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