Anstam: „I stumbled through this minefield succesfully avoiding serious damage.”

Fact Mag se declara învinsă în încercarea de a-l demitiza pe Anstam. S-a resemnat cu ideea că nimeni nu va şti câtuşi de puţin despre cel care stă în spatele acestui proiect abrupt. The Chronicle a ignorat avertismentul.

Chestionarul The Chronicle vs. Anstam

George Şerban: What book(s) are you reading now ?
Anstam: rainer maria rilke // die aufzeichnungen des malte laurids brigge.
hans joachim störig // kleine weltgeschichte der philosophie.

G.Ş.: What do you fear most ?
Anstam: it may sound pathetic but i think i can reduce that to being powerless in any micro or macro level…

G.Ş.: Electric or acoustic ?
Anstam: composition.

G.Ş.: What is truth ?
Anstam: for me truth is a precious friend i really like to listen to. unaffected, superior and always on the point. but for most people i think truth is a mixture between a smart-arse and a party-pooper…

G.Ş.: Where are you now ?
Anstam: in my living room listening to the new soap&skin album…

G.Ş.: Do you believe in life after death ?
Anstam: no.

G.Ş.: What is the strangest thing that ever happened to you ?
Anstam: that is a tough question. there is not a thing or a situation i can remember that really stands out in terms of strangeness… but it has definitely something to do with a woman…

G.Ş.: The most sentimental song you’ve listened to ?
Anstam: fiona apple // never is a promise.

G.Ş.: Do you like sushi ?
Anstam: no.

G.Ş.: What’s to be done if the end of the world won’t come this year either ?
Anstam: to be honest that is a topic i never even thought about…

G.Ş.: With what impressions you would leave the Earth today?
Anstam: that i stumbled through this minefield succesfully avoiding serious damage…

G.Ş.: What are you thinking when you hear about “human rights” ?
Anstam: good luck…

G.Ş.: The thing you’re looking for but still haven’t found it ?
Anstam: it is a state of living that is best described as the ‘sans souci state’. but not only in terms of family, material things or physical health – i mean that as a state of mind for me as an artist – to be able to concentrate on your work without any profane troubles you have to deal with… the funny thing about it is that one of the most important things to achieve that is to have money…

G.Ş.: What is a poem ?
Anstam: pure luxuriousness…

G.Ş.: Everything is relative ?
Anstam: not really…

G.Ş.: What is rationality’s purpose?
Anstam: working as a constant reminder of the fact that you may be an egocentric arsehole…

G.Ş.: Are you happy ?
Anstam: at least i can not complain…

G.Ş.: To what extent Kafka would have had problems with the law ?
Anstam: i think like the most artists generally for seemingly beeing some kind of degenerateted person…

G.Ş.: An artist you recommend and a reason to why we should pay him/her attention ?
Anstam: ved buens ende // a band which combined nearly all musical strategies i am really interested in…

G.Ş.: Is life enough ?
Anstam: as if there is another option…

G.Ş.: What can you tell us about Paris ?
Anstam: as a boy i was there once on vacation with my parents, my older brother and some of my imaginary friends…

G.Ş.: Who killed Kennedy, after all ?
Anstam: not such an interesting question for somebody who was born and raised in the german democratic republic. and by the way even wikipedia doesn’t really know it…

G.Ş.: What significant progress you notice from cave life to the present ?
Anstam: more spare time…

G.Ş.: What are you planning to do tomorrow?
Anstam: a music mix for a spanish magazine + bebop research + a music production for a french theater company…

G.Ş.: The illusion you refuse to confront with the concrete reality ?
Anstam: i can change things with the power of my mind.

G.Ş.: A question for posterity ?
Anstam: no.


Anstam este producător de muzică. Albumul său de debut, Dispel Dances, i-a adus statusul de cel mai greu nume german în producţie muzicală. A produs (ha!) frică şi a coborât la nivel de mediocritate o mare masă de producători. Muzica sa, mai impenetrabilă decât seiful cu reţeta Coca-Cola, este un mister total. Nimeni nu ştie de unde a apărut. Unde se va duce, cât va mai răni. În 2011, a fost invitat de către Thom Yorke să recreeze una dintre piesele de pe The King of Limbs [Separator], într-un amplu proiect de remixuri (TKOL 1234567).

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