The Vanishing Point That Whistles

Unul dintre cele mai prolifice institute culturale româneşti, ICR NY, pregăteşte lansarea unei antologii de poezie românească contemporană, cuprinzând peste 40 de poeţi, coordonată de Paul Doru Mugur şi publicată de Talisman House. The Vanishing Point That Whistles surprinde „printre cele mai semnificative fenomene literare din perioada post-comunistă a Europei de Est.”

Despre volumul The Vanishing Point That Whistles, s-au făcut următoarele observaţii:

Waking up from a familiar nightmare into an unknown reality is not for the faint- hearted. More than two decades after the world and the poetry that buzzed in it shattered, Romanian poets are putting on lab coats, turning on recording devices, scouring the web they broadcast on, photoshopping bits and pieces of shards and routine, and questioning the tragic undertone of the hardwired lament in a culture that questions itself incessantly. Anyone able to hear the sound this poetry makes will be rewarded with a sharpening of their own tools of perception. — Andrei Codrescu

Today’s young Romanian poets couldn`t care less about literary theories and aesthetics and no longer show any interest for taxonomies, generations, trends and groups, the hierarchy of value. For them, poetry is a basal instinct, unsophisticated, like the reflex of breathing or vomiting. Immediate, ethical, political, above all else existential, their poetry is a dense texture of individual fibers grown uninhibited like the wild life itself.”
Mircea Cărtărescu

While reading Vanishing Point That Whistles, the Latin word ‘artus’ came to mind: related to anatomy, it indicates a joint; symbolically the word refers to strength or power (and, poetically, to the limbs). My feeling is that this anthology of new Romanian poetry exists as an important ‘artus’ point: a place where one historical/literary tradition bends into another. At the same time it s a locus of strength, with a natural ability to reach powerfully outward. Even more, though, it s a source of pure reading pleasure from one of the world s most poetic places. If you haven t yet gotten acquainted with the brilliance of contemporary Romanian poetry, enter here. — Sharon Mesmer

This Romanian poetry arrives in the 21st century like a much needed remedy for the excessive stylistic inventions that seem to accompany what is soon becoming an almost universal postmodern aesthetic. It s a book that I d want my graduate students of poetry and literary translation to read. — Roger Sedarat

Poeţii incluşi în cadrul antologiei sunt: Cristian Popescu, Ioan Es. Pop, Mihail Gălăţanu, Daniel Bănulescu, Floarea Ţuţuianu, Radu Andriescu, Simona Popescu, Emilian Galaicu-Păun, Ruxandra Cesereanu, O. Nimigean, Constantin Acosmei, Nicolae Coande, Mihai Ignat, Marius Ianuş, Dumitru Crudu, Adina Dabija, Ştefan Bălan, Teodor Dună, Ruxandra Novac, Mugur Grosu, George Vasilievici, Ioana Nicolaie, Radu Vancu, Andrei Peniuc, Dan Sociu, Adrian Urmanov, Răzvan Ţupa, Claudiu Komartin, Elena Vlădăreanu, Dan Coman, Miruna Vlada, V. Leac, Svetlana Cârstean, T.S. Khasis, Gabi Eftimie, Marius Conkan, Andrei Gamarţ, Michel Martin, Aida Hancer, and Anonymous.

Traducătorii principali ai antologiei sunt Adam J. Sorkin şi Claudia Serea.

Lansarea volumului va fi pe 8 februarie, 7 p.m., la Institutul Cultural Român din New York.



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