Eternitatea efemeră

Museum of Arts and Design din New York a deschis recent expoziţia Swept Away: Dust, Ashes, and Dirt in Contemporary Art and Design, expoziţie care încearcă să capteze potenţialul artistic al materialelor efemere. MAD a invitat 25 de artişti consacraţi, ale căror lucrări transformă praful, noroiul şi cenuşa în instalaţii, sculpturi, desene, picturi şi fotografii pline de frumuseţe şi vitalitate. Expoziţia va include, de asemenea, o serie de instalaţii live, care vor permite o interacţiune cât se poate de directă cu artiştii şi operele lor.

Swept Away: Dust, Ashes, and Dirt in Contemporary Art and Design doreşte să arate cum materialele aruncate, umile, trecute cu vedere, pot fi manipulate şi recombinate în cadrul unor lucrări care ating tematici precum natura tranzitorie a artei şi a vieţii, conţinutul memoriei, dezintegrarea şi rămăşiţele existenţei umane. La această expoziţie vor participa, printre alţii, Kim Abeles (SUA), Catherine Bertola (Anglia), James Croak (SUA), Phoebe Cummings (Anglia), Zhang Huan (China), Maskull Lasserre (Canada), Alexandre Orion (Brazilia), Jim Dingilian (SUA), Su Zhiquang (China), Vik Muniz (SUA) şi Antonio Riello (Italia).

Curatorul expoziţiei este David Revere McFadden.

Swept Away: Dust, Ashes, and Dirt in Contemporary Art and Design rămâne deschisă până pe 12 august 2012.

The Chronicle vă prezintă de pe-acum câteva mostre ale efemerului:

Istoricul fotografiilor:

1. Still from ‘Burn Burn Burn’, Glithero, 2007. Video featuring wood and flammable paint. Courtesy of the artists.
2. Flora (Detail), Phoebe Cummings, 2010. Unfired clay. Not exact work that will be exhibited in Swept Away, but similar. Courtesy of the artist. Photo Credit: Sylvain Deleu.
3. Bones/Sand/Ball/Tide, Andy Goldsworthy, 2008. Andy Goldsworthy. Courtesy Galerie Lelong, New York.
4. Highboy and Ladder Back, Halfway Buried, Jim Dingilian, 2011. Smoke, glass bottle. Not exact work that will be exhibited in Swept Away, but similar. Courtesy of the artist; McKenzie Fine Art, New York.
5. Tracing the Origin VIII, Fei Cui, 2010. Sand on floor. Not exact work that will be exhibited in Swept Away, but similar. Courtesy of the artist; Chambers Fine Art, New York. Photo: David Broda.
6. Dust and Shadows (Sixty-Four Extinctions), Steven Livingston, 2008-9. Rusted steel cabinet, rusted tins, graphite, ashes. Courtesy of the artist.
7. Murder (detail), Maskull Lasserre, 2010. Burned wood. Not exact work that will be exhibited in Swept Away, but similar. Courtesy of the artist.
8. Proposal Sketch for The Delusion of Grandeur (working title), Phoebe Cummings, 2010. Not exact work that will be exhibited in Swept Away, but similar. Courtesy of the artist.
9. Give Us This Day (20 Days of Smog and Acid Rain), Kim Abeles, 1992. Smog (particulate matter), acid air effect of silk. (Not exact work that will be exhibited in Swept Away, but similar). Courtesy the artist.
10. Rocks and Flora, Su Zhiguang, 2011. City dust and pencil on silk. Courtesy of the artist; Chambers Fine Art, New York. Photo: Su Zhiguang Studio.



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