Posts Tagged 'suicide'

Still Life

As you look at the screen, it is possible to believe you are gazing into eternity. You see the things that were inside you. This is the womb, the original site of the imagination. You do not move your eyes

Still Life

As you look at the screen, it is possible to believe you are gazing into eternity. You see the things that were inside you. This is the womb, the original site of the imagination. You do not move your eyes

World Premiere: Ren Hang’s Journal of Depression

―― Renowned Chinese erotic photographer Ren Hang committed suicide on February 24 in Beijing. He was 29. Ren Hang kept an account of his long-term struggle with depression under a menu item titled ‘My Depression,’ on his website. His journal

World Premiere: Ren Hang’s Journal of Depression

―― Renowned Chinese erotic photographer Ren Hang committed suicide on February 24 in Beijing. He was 29. Ren Hang kept an account of his long-term struggle with depression under a menu item titled ‘My Depression,’ on his website. His journal

There Is Love in You

Congrats to Iloura, the VFX and animation studio based in Melbourne, Sydney, for their contribution on Season 6 of Game of Thrones. These side-by-side shots lets viewers see the difference between what was shot on location and what was added in post-production. Ladies

There Is Love in You

Congrats to Iloura, the VFX and animation studio based in Melbourne, Sydney, for their contribution on Season 6 of Game of Thrones. These side-by-side shots lets viewers see the difference between what was shot on location and what was added in post-production. Ladies

Clopotul Sylviei Plath răsună

Au trecut cincizeci de ani de la moartea Sylviei Plath și încă vorbim de o poetă și o legendă. În iarna aspră a anului 1963, pe 11 februarie, Sylvia Plath s-a sinucis. Ruth Padel de la The Independent propune reîntoarcere

Clopotul Sylviei Plath răsună

Au trecut cincizeci de ani de la moartea Sylviei Plath și încă vorbim de o poetă și o legendă. În iarna aspră a anului 1963, pe 11 februarie, Sylvia Plath s-a sinucis. Ruth Padel de la The Independent propune reîntoarcere