Posts Tagged 'london'

The Factory Photographs

Anyone familiar with David Lynch’s (b. 1946, USA) enigmatic visual language will identify similarities between this series of photographs and his iconic films. Featuring black and white interiors and exteriors of industrial structures, the exhibition exudes his unique cinematic style

The Factory Photographs

Anyone familiar with David Lynch’s (b. 1946, USA) enigmatic visual language will identify similarities between this series of photographs and his iconic films. Featuring black and white interiors and exteriors of industrial structures, the exhibition exudes his unique cinematic style

Splendoare 2013

Între 27 iunie – 3 iulie va avea loc a IV-a ediţie a târgului de artă Masterpiece London. Va fi adusă, în atenţia colecţionarilor, curatorilor şi vizitatorilor, o cantitate impresionantă de galerişti (peste 150), ale căror exponate vor trece printr-un

Splendoare 2013

Între 27 iunie – 3 iulie va avea loc a IV-a ediţie a târgului de artă Masterpiece London. Va fi adusă, în atenţia colecţionarilor, curatorilor şi vizitatorilor, o cantitate impresionantă de galerişti (peste 150), ale căror exponate vor trece printr-un

New logo for the Hackney looting team

I posted this image online the day after the rioting and looting in London + it went viral. Over 1,000,000 people viewed it and reposted it online… I dont really want to explain what it means i think it speaks

New logo for the Hackney looting team

I posted this image online the day after the rioting and looting in London + it went viral. Over 1,000,000 people viewed it and reposted it online… I dont really want to explain what it means i think it speaks

Umo(a)r(e) cotidian(ă)

Southbank Centre, Londra, prezintă, între 1 februarie – 13 mai 2012, expoziţia BRAIN ACTIVITY, prima expoziţie comprehensivă, dedicată operelor lui David Shringley.

Umo(a)r(e) cotidian(ă)

Southbank Centre, Londra, prezintă, între 1 februarie – 13 mai 2012, expoziţia BRAIN ACTIVITY, prima expoziţie comprehensivă, dedicată operelor lui David Shringley.