Posts Tagged 'fuck'

Ouă, Murakami, Ai Wei Wei, Chopin, Fuck etc.

De prin presă am cules despre ouă, Murakami, Ai Wei Wei, Chopin, cuvântul fuck, Leonard Cohen, Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan şi Nord. 1. The Most Northern Place este un website care conţine o poveste vizuală despre Quaanaaq, a

Ouă, Murakami, Ai Wei Wei, Chopin, Fuck etc.

De prin presă am cules despre ouă, Murakami, Ai Wei Wei, Chopin, cuvântul fuck, Leonard Cohen, Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan şi Nord. 1. The Most Northern Place este un website care conţine o poveste vizuală despre Quaanaaq, a

You have no unreal messages

What the fuck is happening with this fuck-world? I’m ending & I’m writing in English so that you can correct me. But I won’t do this for long. It’s violently critical. I watched the whole Twin Peaks recently, ’cause my

You have no unreal messages

What the fuck is happening with this fuck-world? I’m ending & I’m writing in English so that you can correct me. But I won’t do this for long. It’s violently critical. I watched the whole Twin Peaks recently, ’cause my