Posts Tagged 'computer'

There Is Love in You

Congrats to Iloura, the VFX and animation studio based in Melbourne, Sydney, for their contribution on Season 6 of Game of Thrones. These side-by-side shots lets viewers see the difference between what was shot on location and what was added in post-production. Ladies

There Is Love in You

Congrats to Iloura, the VFX and animation studio based in Melbourne, Sydney, for their contribution on Season 6 of Game of Thrones. These side-by-side shots lets viewers see the difference between what was shot on location and what was added in post-production. Ladies


Spielhosen. E cuvântul pe care l-am căutat o bună bucată de vreme după ce am văzut ultimul film al lui Spike Jonze, Her. E cuvântul care traduce aproape fidel impresia amară de infantilizare a personajului interpretat de Joaquin Phoenix. Filmul


Spielhosen. E cuvântul pe care l-am căutat o bună bucată de vreme după ce am văzut ultimul film al lui Spike Jonze, Her. E cuvântul care traduce aproape fidel impresia amară de infantilizare a personajului interpretat de Joaquin Phoenix. Filmul