Zadok Ben-David: „I will believe in life after death only if I will be buried alive.”

Florile iadului şi florile paradisului cresc în aceeaşi grădină.

Chestionarul The Chronicle vs. Zadok Ben-David

George Şerban: What book(s) are you reading now ?
Zadok Ben-David: „Sacrificios en Dias Santos” by Antonio Dal Masetto.

G.Ş.: What do you fear most ?
Zadok Ben-David: Being scared.

G.Ş.: Electric or acoustic ?
Zadok Ben-David: Both, depend on when and where.

G.Ş.: What is truth ?
Zadok Ben-David: Everything that you believe in.

G.Ş.: Where are you now ?
Zadok Ben-David: London, answering these questions.

G.Ş.: Do you believe in life after death ?
Zadok Ben-David: Only if I will be buried alive.

G.Ş.: What is the strangest thing that ever happened to you ?
Zadok Ben-David: Ghost appearing in my photos.

G.Ş.: The most sentimental song you’ve listened to ?
Zadok Ben-David: „Crying”, singer Roy Orbison.

G.Ş.: Do you like sushi ?
Zadok Ben-David: Yes, if it is fresh.

G.Ş.: What’s to be done if the end of the world won’t come this year either ?
Zadok Ben-David: To pray for the next date.

G.Ş.: With what impressions you would leave the Earth today?
Zadok Ben-David: Relief. No point of washing dishes and my dirty cloths today!

G.Ş.: What are you thinking when you hear about “human rights” ?
Zadok Ben-David: About human rights.

G.Ş.: The thing you’re looking for but still haven’t found it ?
Zadok Ben-David: The future.

G.Ş.: What is a poem ?
Zadok Ben-David: Collection of words with deep personal meaning.

G.Ş.: Everything is relative ?
Zadok Ben-David: No, only my relatives.

G.Ş. What is rationality’s purpose?
Zadok Ben-David: To oppose illusion.

G.Ş.: Are you happy ?
Zadok Ben-David: Sometimes.

G.Ş.: To what extent Kafka would have had problems with the law ?
Zadok Ben-David: Only if he broke it.

G.Ş.: An artist you recommend and a reason to why we should pay him/her attention ?
Zadok Ben-David: Bruno Jamiaca, My assistant. The reason why you should pay him attention is that he has not received enough yet.

G.Ş.: Is life enough ?
Zadok Ben-David: Is breathing enough?

G.Ş.: What can you tell us about Paris ?
Zadok Ben-David: Full of French and tourists.

G.Ş.: Who killed Kennedy, after all ?
Zadok Ben-David: The first one.

G.Ş.: What significant progress you notice from cave life to the present ?
Zadok Ben-David: I haven’t noticed, I have never lived in a cave, at a second thought, may be the supermarkets.

G.Ş.: The illusion you refuse to confront with the concrete reality ?
Zadok Ben-David: No illusion here. It is a fact. Concrete reality is a great a illusion.

G.Ş.: A question for posterity ?
Zadok Ben-David: Don’t really care.


Zadok Ben-David este unul dintre cei mai importanţi artişti vizuali din Israel. Instalaţia Blackfield, în prezent expusă la centrul de artă contemporană artclub1563 din Seoul, este locul de întrunire al ambivalenţelor care fierb închise într-un pahar Erlenmayer. Pe de o parte, este un efort de inventariere al trăirilor umane, de-o fragilitate care o depăşeşte pe cea a florilor. Pe de altă parte, este o variantă a unei lumi post-Apocalipsă, în care totul încremeneşte sub imperiul unei rostiri mute. Zadok Ben-David ne-a oferit prin Blackfield libertatea de a jongla cu paradisurile şi iadurile posibile, de a vedea această inversare în mod conştient, de a rămâne şi de a ne întoarce. Instalaţia Blackfield este compusă din aproximativ 20 000 de flori prelucrate din oţel şi pictate de-a lungul a trei ani.

Urmăriţi activitatea lui Zadok Ben-David pe pagina oficială de facebook sau website.

Istoricul fotografiilor:

1. Blackfiled, 2009-10, Installation at the Tel Aviv Museum, Photo: Avi Hai.
2 & 3. Blackfiled, 2009, Installation at the Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles, Photo: Gene Ogami.
4. Blackfiled, 2008, Installation at the Annendale Gallery, Sydney, Photo: Murray Fredericks.
5. Blackfield, 2008, Installation in the artist studio, London, Photo: Shira Klasmer.
6. Blackfield, 2008, Installation in the artist studio, London, Photo: Rana Begum.
7. Blackfiled, 2009-10, Installation at the Tel Aviv Museum, Photo: Meidad Sochowolsky.



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