Ashkahn Shahparnia: „We have more things. More products. More more more. Other than that nothing else.”

Ashkahn trăieşte în Los Angeles. În studio-ul său, el creează obiecte cu care să te mândreşti când le porţi, (cum ar fi o şapcă inscripționată cu loser), dar, mai ales, obiecte care spun ceva despre tine și despre oricine altcineva: tired, blah blah blah, asshole, without beer life is hell. Ashkahn Shahparnia face bine ce face: mai exact, manufacturing boredom.

Chestionarul The Chronicle vs. Ashkahn Shahparni

George Șerban: What book(s) are you reading now?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: George Lois, Damn good advice.

G.Ș.: What do you fear most?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: FAILURE.

G.Ș.: Electric or acoustic?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: Acoustic.

G.Ș.: What is truth?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: Beauty in all forms.

G.Ș.: Where are you now?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: Sitting on my couch in pajamas and drinking an arnold palmer in Silver Lake, California.

G.Ș.: Do you believe in life after death?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: Maybe.

G.Ș.: What is the strangest thing that ever happened to you?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: Seeing the tooth fairy.

G.Ș.: The most sentimental song you’ve listened to?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: Neil Young, Tell Me Why.

G.Ș.: Do you like sushi?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: Only when I eat it with my girlfriend.

G.Ș.: What’s to be done if the end of the world won’t come this year either?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: Continue working.

G.Ș.: With what impressions you would leave the Earth today?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: HAPPY.

G.Ș.: What are you thinking when you hear about “human rights”?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: Confusion.

G.Ș.: The thing you’re looking for but still haven’t found it?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: $$$.

G.Ș.: What is a poem?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: Air in the form of cotton candy.

G.Ș.: Everything is relative?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: Sure.

G.Ș.: What is rationality’s purpose?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: Not sure.

G.Ș.: Are you happy?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: YES.

G.Ș.: To what extent Kafka would have had problems with the law?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: Kafka would have had problems with everything about the law.

G.Ș.: An artist you recommend and a reason to why we should pay him/her attention?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: Heather Goldberg. Heather just released a beautiful and groundbreaking fashion collection called Haber. Watch out for that.

G.Ș.: Is life enough?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: Yes it can be. If you know what you are looking for.

G.Ș.: What can you tell us about Paris?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: It’s grey skies, silver and clear.

G.Ș.: Who killed Kennedy, after all?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: OJ Simpson.

G.Ș.: What significant progress you notice from cave life to the present?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: We have more things. More products. More more more. Other than that nothing else.

G.Ș.: What are you planning to do tomorrow?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: I’m planning on having a bunch of boring meetings and saying happy birthday to my dad.

G.Ș.: The illusion you refuse to confront with the concrete reality?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: Do I really matter?

G.Ș.: A question for posterity?
Ashkahn Shahparnia: What do you you really want?


Ashkahn Shahparnia este designer de produse. Câteva din creațiile studioului său pot fi urmărite aici. Pentru comenzi, contact, scrisori de amour etc. vizitați



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