Moartea individuală

Conceptul de „estetică nonrelațională” a fost introdus de Graham Harman, unul dintre filosofii fruntași ai realismului speculativ, în eseul „Art Without Relations”, publicat în septembrie a.c. în revista ArtReview.

For it is dubious to claim that objects are utterly defined by their context, without any unexpressed private surplus. To defend this view is to commit oneself to a world in which everything is already all that it can be. (…) Strictly speaking there is no such thing as ‘moon’ but only qualities such as ‘white’, ‘round’ and ‘luminous’, which appear together so frequently that we come to use ‘moon’ as a sloppy nickname for this rough set of qualities.

– Graham Harman

Eseul poate fi citit integral aici.

This is not a Pope

Acesta nu este un Papa Benedict al XVI-lea.

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